
Cách Export Excel trong .NET Core 6 Web API


    Báo cáo, thống kê có vai trò rất quan trọng trong 1 hệ thống. Việc xuất dữ liệu từ ứng dụng của bạn và chia sẻ chúng dưới định dạng Excel không chỉ là một yêu cầu phổ biến mà còn là một phần quan trọng của trải nghiệm người dùng. Trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu cách thực hiện chức năng xuất Excel từ API của .NET Core, một giải pháp hiệu quả để tạo ra các bảng dữ liệu chuyên nghiệp.

    Bài viết này sẽ hướng đến 2 chủ đề chính : 

        - Xuất Excel bằng cách sử dụng Template. 
        - Xuất Excel bằng cách tự vẽ Template. 

Trước hết chúng ta sẽ đến chủ đề đầu tiên: 
        + Bước 1 : Cài đặt thư viện: Thư viện ở đây chúng ta dùng đó là EPPlus.

Hoặc có thể dùng lệnh command sau : 

PM> Install-Package EPPlus

     Sau khi Install xong thì phải chuẩn bị 1 template bằng Excel để xuất dữ liệu ra trong file đó.
Ví dụ:

    + Bước 2: Sẽ sử dụng API GetAll để export data. Dự án mình đang làm và dùng CQRS Pattern để handle. Dưới đây là ví dụ, các bạn cùng tham khảo:

using MediatR;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System.Linq.Dynamic.Core;
using WSM.Application.Enums;
using WSM.Application.Interfaces.Repositories.Device;
using WSM.Application.Interfaces.Repositories.MasterData;
using WSM.Application.Interfaces.Services;
using WSM.Domain.Constants;
using WSM.Domain.Entities.Identity;
using WSM.Domain.Wrappers;

namespace WSM.Application.Features.Devices.Queries.GetAll
    public class GetAllDeviceQuery : GetAllDeviceParameter, IRequest<PaginatedResult<GetAllDevicesResponse>>

    internal class GetAllDeviceQueryHandler : IRequestHandler<GetAllDeviceQuery, PaginatedResult<GetAllDevicesResponse>>
        private readonly IDeviceRepository _deviceRepository;
        private readonly IDeviceAllocationItemRepository _deviceAllocationItemRepository;
        private readonly IDeviceAllocationRepository _deviceAllocationRepository;
        private readonly IUploadService _uploadService;
        private readonly IDeviceTypeRepository _deviceTypeRepository;
        private readonly ISupplierRepository _supplierRepository;
        private readonly IDepartmentRepository _departmentRepository;
        private readonly ICurrentUserService _currentUserService;
        private readonly UserManager _userManager;
        private readonly IDeviceStatusRepository _deviceStatusRepository;
        private readonly ISettingSystemRepository _settingSystemRepository;
        private readonly ICapitalRepository _capitalRepository;

        public GetAllDeviceQueryHandler(IDeviceRepository deviceRepository,
            IUploadService uploadService,
            IDeviceTypeRepository deviceTypeRepository,
            ISupplierRepository supplierRepository,
            IDepartmentRepository departmentRepository,
            ICurrentUserService currentUserService,
            UserManager userManager,
            IDeviceStatusRepository deviceStatusRepository,
            ISettingSystemRepository settingSystemRepository,
            IDeviceAllocationItemRepository deviceAllocationItemRepository,
            IDeviceAllocationRepository deviceAllocationRepository,
            ICapitalRepository capitalRepository)
            _deviceRepository = deviceRepository;
            _uploadService = uploadService;
            _deviceTypeRepository = deviceTypeRepository;
            _supplierRepository = supplierRepository;
            _departmentRepository = departmentRepository;
            _currentUserService = currentUserService;
            _userManager = userManager;
            _deviceStatusRepository = deviceStatusRepository;
            _settingSystemRepository = settingSystemRepository;
            _deviceAllocationItemRepository = deviceAllocationItemRepository;
            _deviceAllocationRepository = deviceAllocationRepository;
            _capitalRepository = capitalRepository;

        public async Task<PaginatedResult<GetAllDevicesResponse>> Handle(GetAllDeviceQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Keyword Search
	    if (request.Keyword != null)
		request.Keyword = request.Keyword.Trim();
	    if (request.Serial != null)
		request.Serial = request.Serial.Trim();
            var dateTime = DateTime.Now;
            // Query
            var query = from x in _deviceRepository.Entities.Where(x => x.DataType == request.DataType)
                        join dt in _deviceTypeRepository.Entities.Where(x => !x.IsDeleted)
                            on x.DeviceTypeId equals dt.Id into leftJoinDeviceType
                        from deviceType in leftJoinDeviceType.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        join s in _supplierRepository.Entities.Where(x => !x.IsDeleted)
                            on x.SupplierId equals s.Id into leftJoinSupplier
                        from supplier in leftJoinSupplier.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        join sy in _deviceRepository.Entities.Where(x => x.DataType == request.DataType)
                            on x.ParentId equals sy.Id into leftJoinSystem
                        from system in leftJoinSystem.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        join st in _deviceStatusRepository.Entities.Where(x => !x.IsDeleted)
                            on x.DeviceStatusId equals st.Id into leftJoinStatus
                        from status in leftJoinStatus.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        join caption in _capitalRepository.Entities
                            on x.CapitalId equals caption.Id into leftJoinCapital
                        from cap in leftJoinCapital.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        let systemName = _deviceRepository.Entities.Where(a => a.Id == x.ParentId && !a.IsDeleted).FirstOrDefault()
                        let checkCodition = request.DataType == 2 ? x.DataType == (short)DataType.Devices && (x.ParentId == 0 || x.ParentId == null) : x.DataType == (short)DataType.System
                        where !x.IsDeleted
                                    && checkCodition
                                    && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Keyword) || x.Name.ToLower().Contains(request.Keyword.ToLower()))
                                    && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Serial) || x.SerialNumber.ToLower().Contains(request.Serial.ToLower()))
                                    && (request.SystemId == null || request.SystemId.Contains(systemName.Id))
                                    && (request.StatusId == null || request.StatusId == status.Id)
                                    && (request.DepartmentId == null || request.DepartmentId.Contains((int)x.DepartmentId))
                                    && (request.CapitalId == null || request.CapitalId.Contains(cap.Id))
                                    && (!request.ReceivedDate.HasValue || request.ReceivedDate.Value.Date.Equals(x.ReceivedDate.Value.Date))
                                    && (request.WarrantyStatus == null || request.WarrantyStatus.Value.Equals(x.WarrantyStatus))
                                    && (request.DeviceStatusPercent == null || request.DeviceStatusPercent.Value.Equals(x.DeviceStatusPercent))
                                    && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.UsageNote) || x.UsageNote.ToLower().Contains(request.UsageNote.ToLower()))
                                    && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Manufacturer) || x.Manufacturer.ToLower().Contains(request.Manufacturer.ToLower()))
                                    && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ProducingCountry) || x.ProducingCountry.ToLower().Contains(request.ProducingCountry.ToLower()))
                                    && (request.OriginalPrice == null || x.OriginalPrice == request.OriginalPrice)
                                    && (!request.CreatedOn.HasValue || request.CreatedOn.Equals(x.CreatedOn.Date))
                                    && (!request.WarrantyFromDate.HasValue || (x.WarrantyFromDate.Value.Date <= request.WarrantyFromDate.Value.Date && x.WarrantyToDate.Value.Date >= request.WarrantyFromDate.Value.Date))
                                    && (!request.WarrantyToDate.HasValue || (request.WarrantyToDate.Value.Date >= x.WarrantyFromDate.Value.Date && request.WarrantyToDate.Value.Date <= x.WarrantyToDate.Value.Date))
                        let department = _departmentRepository.Entities.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == x.DepartmentId && !x.IsDeleted)
                        let warrantyLevel = (bool)!x.WarrantyStatus || x.WarrantyStatus == null ? DeviceWarranty.NoWarranty : x.WarrantyToDate!.Value.Date <= dateTime.Date ? DeviceWarranty.Expired :
                                            x.WarrantyToDate!.Value.Date <= dateTime.Date.AddMonths(1) ? DeviceWarranty.AboutOneMonth :
                                             x.WarrantyToDate!.Value.Date <= dateTime.Date.AddMonths(3) ? DeviceWarranty.AboutThreeMonth : DeviceWarranty.StillLong
                        select new GetAllDevicesResponse
                            Id = x.Id,
                            AccessoriesIncluded = x.AccessoriesIncluded,
                            Depreciation = x.Depreciation,
                            DeviceManagementCode = x.DeviceManagementCode,
                            DeviceStatusPercent = x.DeviceStatusPercent,
                            MaintenanceContent = x.MaintenanceContent,
                            MaintenanceCycle = x.MaintenanceCycle,
                            MaintenanceRequired = x.MaintenanceRequired,
                            Manufacturer = x.Manufacturer,
                            OriginalPrice = x.OriginalPrice,
                            Name = x.Name,
                            ProducingCountry = x.ProducingCountry,
                            DeviceStatusContent = x.DeviceStatusContent,
                            QRLink = x.QRLink,
                            QRUrl = _uploadService.GetFullUrl(x.QRLink),
                            ReceivedDate = x.ReceivedDate,
                            SerialNumber = x.SerialNumber ?? string.Empty,
                            Specification = x.Specification,
                            SupplierId = x.SupplierId,
                            SupplierName = supplier.Name,
                            UsageNote = x.UsageNote,
                            WarrantyFromDate = x.WarrantyFromDate,
                            WarrantyStatus = x.WarrantyStatus,
                            WarrantyToDate = x.WarrantyToDate,
                            CreatedOn = x.CreatedOn,
                            DeviceTypeId = x.DeviceTypeId,
                            DeviceTypeName = deviceType.Name,
                            DepartmentId = x.DepartmentId,
                            StatusManagementId = x.StatusManagementId,
                            DepartmentName = department != null ? department.Name : "",
                            WarrantyStatusManagement = (int?)warrantyLevel,
                            YearOfUse = DateTime.Now.Year - x.ReceivedDate.Value.Year,
                            CirculationCode = x.CirculationCode,
                            Model = x.Model ?? string.Empty,
                            DateOfDecision = x.DateOfDecision,
                            DecisionNo = x.DecisionNo,
                            YearOfProducing = x.YearOfProducing,
                            DeviceStatusId = x.DeviceStatusId,
                            DeviceStatusName = status.Name,
                            StatusManagementSystemId = system.StatusManagementId,
                            ParentId = x.ParentId,
                            SystemName = systemName.Name != null ? systemName.Name : null,
                            AllocationDate = (from dai in _deviceAllocationItemRepository.Entities.Where(d => !d.IsDeleted && x.Id == (request.DataType == (short)DataType.Devices ? d.DeviceId : d.SystemId)).OrderByDescending(x=>x.CreatedOn).Take(1)
                                              join da in _deviceAllocationRepository.Entities.Where(da => !da.IsDeleted && da.Status == (short)StaticVariable.UserApproveStatus.APPROVE)
                                                on dai.DeviceAllocationId equals da.Id into leftDeviceAllocation
                                              from da in leftDeviceAllocation.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                              select (da != null) ? da.ReceivedDate : (DateTime?)null).FirstOrDefault(),
                            CapitalId = x.CapitalId,
                            CapitalName = cap.Name != null ? cap.Name : null

            // Where and Order By
            var data = query.Where(x => (!request.WarrantyLevel.HasValue || x.WarrantyStatusManagement == request.WarrantyLevel)
                                     && (!request.AllocationDate.HasValue || (x.AllocationDate != null && request.AllocationDate.Value.Month == x.AllocationDate.Value.Month && request.AllocationDate.Value.Year == x.AllocationDate.Value.Year))).OrderBy(request.OrderBy);
            // Count total record
            var totalRecord = data.Count();

            List result;

            // Pagination
            if (!request.IsExport)
                result = await data.Skip((request.PageNumber - 1) * request.PageSize).Take(request.PageSize).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);
                result = await data.ToListAsync(cancellationToken);

            return PaginatedResult.Success(result, totalRecord, request.PageNumber, request.PageSize);
+ Bước 3 : Viết API cho Export Excel:

using MediatR;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using OfficeOpenXml;
using WSM.Application.Enums;
using WSM.Application.Exceptions;
using WSM.Application.Features.Devices.Queries.GetAll;

namespace WSM.Application.Features.Devices.Queries.ExportDevices
    public class ExportDeviceQuery : GetAllDeviceParameter, IRequest

    internal class ExportDeviceQueryHandler : IRequestHandler
        private readonly IMediator _mediator;
        private readonly IHostingEnvironment _environment;

        public ExportDeviceQueryHandler(IMediator mediator, IHostingEnvironment environment)
            _mediator = mediator;
            _environment = environment;

        public async Task Handle(ExportDeviceQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Data được lấy từ List, sẽ handle với các điều kiện search, để xuất Excel ý muốn.
            var devices = await _mediator.Send(new GetAllDeviceQuery()
                DataType = (short)DataType.Devices,
                OrderBy = request.OrderBy,
                IsExport = request.IsExport,
                AllocationDate = request.AllocationDate,
                CapitalId = request.CapitalId,
                CreatedOn = request.CreatedOn,
                DepartmentId = request.DepartmentId,
                DeviceStatusPercent = request.DeviceStatusPercent,
                Keyword = request.Keyword,
                Manufacturer = request.Manufacturer,
                OriginalPrice = request.OriginalPrice,
                PageNumber = request.PageNumber,
                PageSize = request.PageSize,
                ProducingCountry = request.ProducingCountry,
                ReceivedDate = request.ReceivedDate,
                Serial = request.Serial,
                StatusId = request.StatusId,
                SystemId = request.SystemId,
                UsageNote = request.UsageNote,
                WarrantyFromDate = request.WarrantyFromDate,
                WarrantyLevel = request.WarrantyLevel,
                WarrantyStatus = request.WarrantyStatus,
                WarrantyToDate = request.WarrantyToDate,
            }, cancellationToken);

            var sWebRootFolder = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_environment.WebRootPath) ? _environment.WebRootPath : _environment.ContentRootPath;
            // Setting tên file khi lưu 
            var sFileName = $"Danh sách Thiết bị_{DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmm")}.xlsx";

            // Template
            var templatePath = "Devices.xlsx";
            string templateDocument = Path.Combine(sWebRootFolder, "templates", "excel", templatePath);

            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sWebRootFolder, "export-files", sFileName));
            if (file.Exists)
                file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sWebRootFolder, "export-files", sFileName));

            // Config file Excel template
            using (FileStream templateDocumentStream = File.OpenRead(templateDocument))
                using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(templateDocumentStream))
                    // Add a new worksheet to the empty workbook
                    ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"];

                    // Insert data employee data
                    var rowIndex = 6;
                    // Check nếu list không tồn tại dữ liệu nào thì sẽ throw Exception luôn.
                    if (devices.Data == null || !devices.Data.Any()) throw new ApiException("Thiết bị không tồn tại.");
                    // Bắt đầu STT là 1 
                    var rowNumber = 1;
                    // set dữ liệu vào file excel
                    foreach (var item in devices.Data)
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Value = rowNumber.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2].Value = item.Name;
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 3].Value = item.DeviceStatusName;
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 4].Value = item.DepartmentName ?? "-";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 5].Value = item.DeviceManagementCode ?? "-";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 6].Value = item.SerialNumber ?? "-";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 7].Value = (item.ReceivedDate.HasValue ? item.ReceivedDate.Value.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") : "-");
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 8].Value = item.WarrantyFromDate?.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") ?? "-";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 9].Value = item.WarrantyToDate?.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") ?? "-";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 10].Value = item.DeviceStatusPercent + "%" ?? "-";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 11].Value = item.Manufacturer ?? "-";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 12].Value = item.ProducingCountry ?? "-";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 13].Value = item.Specification ?? "-";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 14].Value = item.OriginalPrice ?? 0;
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 15].Value = item.CapitalName ?? "-";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 16].Value = item.CreatedOn.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
                        worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 17].Value = (item.AllocationDate.HasValue ? item.AllocationDate.Value.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") : "-");

                    //Save file to .xlsx
                    await package.SaveAsAsync(file, cancellationToken);
            return sFileName;

+ Bước 4: Tạo API Export, gọi lại function Export Excel ở trên và viết thêm 1 function để có thể Download File về.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders;
using WSM.Application.Features.Devices.Queries.ExportDevices;
using WSM.Application.Features.Devices.Queries.GetAll;
using WSM.Application.Shared.Permission;
using WSM.Domain.Wrappers;

namespace WSM.WebApi.Controllers.V1.Device
    public class DeviceController : BaseApiController<DeviceController>
        private readonly IWebHostEnvironment _webHostEnvironment;

        public DeviceController(IWebHostEnvironment webHostEnvironment)
            _webHostEnvironment = webHostEnvironment;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get All Device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        [Authorize(Policy = Permissions.Devices.View)]
        public async Task<ActionResult<PaginatedResult<GetAllDevicesResponse>>> GetAllDevice([FromQuery] GetAllDeviceParameter parameter)
            return Ok(await Mediator.Send(new GetAllDeviceQuery
                StatusId = parameter.StatusId,
                SystemId = parameter.SystemId,
                Serial = parameter.Serial,
                IsExport = parameter.IsExport,
                Keyword = parameter.Keyword,
                OrderBy = parameter.OrderBy,
                PageNumber = parameter.PageNumber,
                PageSize = parameter.PageSize,
                Filter = parameter.Filter,
                DepartmentId = parameter.DepartmentId,
                DataType = parameter.DataType,
                WarrantyToDate = parameter.WarrantyToDate,
                WarrantyFromDate = parameter.WarrantyFromDate,
                UsageNote = parameter.UsageNote,
                DeviceStatusPercent = parameter.DeviceStatusPercent,
                Manufacturer = parameter.Manufacturer,
                OriginalPrice = parameter.OriginalPrice,
                ProducingCountry = parameter.ProducingCountry,
                ReceivedDate = parameter.ReceivedDate,
                WarrantyLevel = parameter.WarrantyLevel,
                WarrantyStatus = parameter.WarrantyStatus,
                CreatedOn = parameter.CreatedOn,
                AllocationDate = parameter.AllocationDate,
                CapitalId = parameter.CapitalId

        /// <summary>
        /// Export Excel Devices
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<IActionResult> ExportDevice([FromQuery] GetAllDeviceParameter parameter)
            var sWebRootFolder = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath) ? _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath : _webHostEnvironment.ContentRootPath;
            var result = await Mediator.Send(new ExportDeviceQuery()
                StatusId = parameter.StatusId,
                SystemId = parameter.SystemId,
                Serial = parameter.Serial,
                IsExport = parameter.IsExport,
                Keyword = parameter.Keyword,
                OrderBy = parameter.OrderBy,
                PageNumber = parameter.PageNumber,
                PageSize = parameter.PageSize,
                DepartmentId = parameter.DepartmentId,
                DataType = parameter.DataType,
                WarrantyToDate = parameter.WarrantyToDate,
                WarrantyFromDate = parameter.WarrantyFromDate,
                UsageNote = parameter.UsageNote,
                DeviceStatusPercent = parameter.DeviceStatusPercent,
                Manufacturer = parameter.Manufacturer,
                OriginalPrice = parameter.OriginalPrice,
                ProducingCountry = parameter.ProducingCountry,
                ReceivedDate = parameter.ReceivedDate,
                WarrantyLevel = parameter.WarrantyLevel,
                WarrantyStatus = parameter.WarrantyStatus,
                CreatedOn = parameter.CreatedOn,
                AllocationDate = parameter.AllocationDate,
                CapitalId = parameter.CapitalId
            return DownloadFile(Path.Combine(sWebRootFolder, "export-files"), result);

        /// <summary>
        /// Download File
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private FileResult DownloadFile(string filePath, string fileName)
            IFileProvider provider = new PhysicalFileProvider(filePath);
            IFileInfo fileInfo = provider.GetFileInfo(fileName);
            var readStream = fileInfo.CreateReadStream();
            var mimeType = "application/";
            return File(readStream, mimeType, fileName);

+ Bước 5 : Vậy là Oke rồi bây giờ đến việc test thôi.

Đây là list Thiết bị mà mình muốn export về file excel.

API mà mình đã xây dựng để export excel.

- Sau khi gọi API thì hiển thị status 200 và mục download file excel về.

- Kết quả sau khi download file.

Lưu ý: Với việc xuất Excel như này thì sẽ quá cứng nhắc, cũng chưa flexible được hệ thống, trải nghiệm người dùng cũng chưa cao. (Ví dụ : Muốn Export những cột cần thiết trong dữ liệu của mình, kết quả search như thế nào thì xuất như thế ấy.). Bài viết tới mình sẽ làm phần này nhé!

Vậy là đã hoàn thành, bài viết cũng đã dài. Hẹn gặp lại các bạn trong những topic trên. Cảm ơn các bạn đã xem, chúc các bạn thành công !

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